Monday, October 25, 2010

Brown vs. Board of education & Tim Wise (connections)

This week’s Videos about Tim Wise book “Between Barack and a Hard and the website of brown vs. board of education was a nice change from reading & highlighting key facts from our articles. I found  many connections  from our SCWAAP exercise and even my political science class last semester(-.-)

The website give a brief background and states that in 1954 was the turning point in American history, segregating wasn’t fair and the statement “separate but equal” was completely false. For example in my political science we discussed Plessy vs. Ferguson a lot. This case was but “separate but equal” Two train carts, one for black one for white yet the carts were exactly the same. Plessy was arrested for being on the white train, for this case, this was seen as constitutional. Thanks to the case of Brown vs. Board of education that case was able to be re-looked and seen as unconstitutional.

“What is real…..We are nowhere near a post-racial American” statement made by Wise
I understand what Wise is portraying in the interview and his book. He says that just because we have a black president does not mean racism is over. Though, he does state that we have come a long way from then “racism 1.0” and we are now progressing in our “racism 2.0”, it’s still an issue but getting better.
Tapping the glass of SCWAAMP , The show host and Wise talk about how one day will be able to see that there are exceptional black or brown people just as bright as Obama but the dress differently or have a different style so others see them as unimportant or not worthy of acknowledgment.

“If a problem is still a problem… talk to the ones that are the target of it, not the ones who doesn’t have to know about it” Tim makes a comment at 3:53 of the second part video about able bodi-ness another connection to SCWAAMP. He states how we should understand the others point of view on issues, if the issue doesn’t target you doesn’t mean you should be ignorant about it.
Another Flashback of Political science!
If you haven’t go look at Beckah’s page she has a great video that represents the experiment that Kenneth Clark did in 1957, where he showed dolls to black children and asked which one looked like them and which wanted they wanted to play with. Also if you look on Nessa's Page you'll see that same expirement done today.

I found this article on a Dallas Columnist views on modern racism i found very interesting.

In class I hope to discuss where we other think where we stand on racism are we really that far away from complete post racism or are we getting a bit closer.


  1. Loved your blog.....Thanks so much for the comment on my blog! Loved how you added Beckah's to your entry! Great support!

  2. What is real…..We are nowhere near a post-racial American” statement made by Wise
    thats agreat quote im glad you posted it. can we talk more about it in relation to swampp or what ever its called hahahha
