Sunday, September 19, 2010

Amazing Grace by Jonathan Kozol (Quotes)

     Amazing Grace by Jonathan Kozol was an extremely emotional reading. It broke my heart reading about what the people especially the children mentioned in the story and ones not mention, and what go through day in and day out. Clearly a different read from McIntosh's "White Privilege" article. It bothers me to know this truly happens in our world and how unjustly it is.

      My first quote is one that stayed in my mind during the whole reading You just cover up…and hope you wake up the next morning”, made by a father of four during a cold night in December. I feel this is the thought of every family has in winter. It’s frightening to know that one is aware of their poor surrounding and can’t do much but hope to pull through it all. It makes me think twice about complaining about the cold ever again.

      “The medical waste incinerator, a new-looking building, is gunmetal blue on top and cinder block below. From one its metal sliding-doors, which is half-open, a sourly unpleasant odor drifts into the street. Standing in front of the building, Cliffie grumbles slightly but does not seem terribly concerned. “You sure that you don’t want a cookie?”” The fact that Cliffie walks by that building everyday knowing what happens there and doesn’t seem to frighten is one of disbelief. It’s like doesn’t bother him a building like that is in his community. I’m sure other children aren’t as brave as young Cliffie. If I were a child growing up there I’d be so afraid and would probably take extra measures to avoid that building and the smell.

     “The bed is covered with blood and bandages from someone else. Flowers are scattered on the floor. Toilet’s stopped with toilet paper. Bed hasn’t been made. I’d been through this once before. Either you wait hours until someone cleans the room or else you clean the room yourself.This third quote illustrated to me the conditions of hospital rooms many from this area have witnessed time and time again. But what shock me the most was “clean it yourself” isn’t the point of a hospital to help? This isn’t a comforting area for people in need of help. So many don’t seek help probably because of the poor conditions presented. Also the set up in the waiting room, Why stay in the waiting when there’s a chance you’ll catch an extra something from the man next to you coughing up blood or the child behind you vomiting. 

One point I’d like to bring up in class is about the children. I feel that children experiencing such a traumatizing environment should  not happen in our society.

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