Sunday, November 7, 2010

Finn & Oakes (quotes)

Darlene accidently printed out two copies of the Finn article and gave me the extra one. I thought she was kidding when she said it was printed on both sides. I was extremely overwhelmed, but having the article reduced was a mind easer. In Finn’s article I feel like its talking about the issues and I Oakes a possible solution.

(Finn)“We don’t worry about a literate working class because the kind of literacy they get doesn’t make them dangerous”

This quote was confusing to me but I think it means how working class have a domestic way of learning and that they are more dependable in a working area and as Finn puts it they are “not troublesome”.  That worry is present because if one person is weak we are all, which can be datable. The working class can be moldable in a way if there needs to something changed or improved it can be. But if it’s a Authority figure they must be the example one should strive to be and if they not powerful in literacy the company or business crumbles, just like in a classroom if they teacher can’t teach how can the students learn.

(Finn) “I was schooling these children, not to take charge of their lives, but to take orders”.

 I felt this was very Delpit, He related with the children by being from a working-class but also took charge of the classroom. The results were that the students were working they took well to authority and worked. He would asked “what are you doing?” he say “stop that, and get to work.”  He was straight to the point didn’t let the student get the chance to goof off.

(Oakes) “Many educators and parents assert that when schools group by ability, teachers are better able to target individual needs and students will learn more.”

I actually see my classroom for my SL project set up this way. One large group has no strugglers but one student, one group has a mix and two groups who struggle the most. As I notice the one student who struggles in the large group leads to cheating off of classmates papers while the group of all strugglers try to help each other. I feel that grouping the kids in groups by ability can be but helpful and not. Helpful in the way of individual help, the teacher knows what the student needs to approve on. It can be negative in a way that the student would know they are different, or think they are dumb.

This article discusses the pros and cons of using ability grouping as an educational tool.
In class I’d like to discuss more about grouping by ability, is it best to have a whole class be on the same level or have a class of variety of levels.


  1. I liked the quotes you chose to use and thought the were strong. I also liked how you related them to your class and Delpit.

  2. I think grouping by levels is appropriate and I guess that is oging against what both of these articles are trying to diminish, but how can you really teach a class when you have students who know calc while others are on algebra, i think thats nearly impossible.

  3. I believe that grouping can help with atttending to the student's particular needs, but then again, a part of schooling is to learn from your peers and if the class is completely smart, you can't, and if the class is below average, it is still difficult. That's why there should be mixed classes, at least for part of their schooling, so they can learn from eachother and be interactive.
